Catholic Life
Mission and Values
‘Guided by Christ, we aspire to achieve’
Pupils at Bishop Walsh are growing to be…
Faithful in their relations with others and with God; displaying integrity at all times.
Compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and showing dignity to earn respect.
A person of humility grateful for their own gifts; for the gift of other people and for the blessings of each day; and gentle with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.
Truthful in what they say of themselves and others in the pursuit of justice.
Forgiving of the deeds of others and oneself with the desire to show mercy by finding God in all things.
Pure in heart so they can see God; living a life of holiness and total devotion to Jesus Christ.
Tolerant in their acceptance of the diverse nature of society whilst seeking peace in order to be children of God.
Pupils of service to imitate the ‘Servant King’; advocating the call to sacrifice knowing they will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The values highlighted in colour come directly from The Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7)
which start the Sermon on the Mount.
British Values
Value: principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life
The British government believes British values are:
The Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
These are British Values but they are also values rooted in the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus teaches the people those values that build up the Kingdom of God, here and now. They reveal the goal of human existence; they are revealed fully in the life of Jesus Christ.
Bishop Walsh Gospel Value Tree
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social teaching permeates through our pastoral care and curriculum.
Staff and students are encouraged to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable at the forefront of our minds. We explore opportunities for pupils to actively stand in solidarity with their brothers and sisters and have peace at the centre of our teaching.
We endeavor to protect God’s creation and teach our pupil’s to reuse, rehouse, recycle and respect the planet. Bishop Walsh Catholic School is committed to the CAFOD Live Simply Initiative.
We come together as a community, living by the commandment ‘Love one another, as I have loved you’.
“Guided By Christ, We Aspire to Achieve”