Executive Principal Welcome - Mrs N. Brodie


‘Guided by Christ, we aspire to achieve’


I am delighted to welcome you to Bishop Walsh Catholic School.

It is our privilege to nurture our students throughout their time with us, ensuring that all students are fully supported in reaching their full potential and developing their own unique God-given gifts and talents. 

Bishop Walsh Catholic School benefits from having an excellent teaching and support staff team.  The staff are very hardworking and talented, always demonstrating exceptional care and commitment to our students.  We also enjoy a very strong partnership with our family of primaries and another secondary school, our links with parishes are strong, as is our partnership with other Diocesan schools.   We are also delighted to be part of the St John Paul II Multi Academy and we work closely with the other schools in the academy to ensure that every child in our care has an excellent education and many opportunities to develop and succeed.

At Bishop Walsh parents can be guaranteed that the staff will work hard for children under their care so that they will leave the school with the knowledge and skills to reflect and act on gospel values, to flourish in our society, concerned for others before themselves.

We expect our pupils to have high expectations and personal standards and to take advantage of the many opportunities that come their way. We need your support as parents in sharing the values of our Catholic school and working with us to make the most of the important years ahead for our children.

Our students’ progress and attainment are excellent.  High standards of academic achievement are, however, just one element of our mission to provide our students with the best possible holistic education.  Their all-round development is equally important.  As a Catholic school, nurturing children’s spiritual development is central to everything we do.  This aspect of school life is flourishing.  We have an excellent climate for learning in school.  Students are extremely well behaved in and out of lessons.  This is a key ingredient in the school’s on-going success and popularity with parents. I would encourage you to read our school curriculum section of the website and our OFSTED report as it will give you a good flavour of our pastoral distinctiveness and the curriculum organisation of the school.

I thank you for taking an interest in our school. We hope that this website will give parents and visitors an insight into the life of our busy, friendly school.


Mrs N.Brodie
