Sixth form
Official Bishop Walsh Sixth Form Uniform
Please note the following items should be purchased from our recommended uniform suppliers to maintain consistency.
Please note that fashion trends cannot dictate a variance in the uniform code. If you are unsure about any aspect of the uniform code please check with school before purchasing. The Head of School is the person who determines what is acceptable or considered extreme.
Sixth Form Uniform
The official black Sixth Form jacket with Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form crest.
Tailored black trousers or a plain black knee length skirt. Tights may be worn under skirts; however, leggings are not allowed. Tights must be plain black in colour.
A plain white shirt. This may be short or long sleeved. It must be buttoned at the front and have a collar.
Gents must wear a smart tie, of their choice. Ladies may wish to wear a tie of their choice.
If students wish to wear a jumper this must be a plain black V-neck or round neck jumper with no logo. Students can choose to wear this in addition to their blazer.
Black, smart leather shoes.
A maximum of two simple stud-like earrings can be worn in the lower lobe of each ear. No piercings are permitted in the tragus or helix of the ear. No tongue, facial or visible body piercings are permitted. Other jewellery may be worn but this must be discreet.
A smart hairstyle is compulsory. Male students are permitted to have long hair but this must be tied back. Only natural highlights are permitted. Red, purple, lilac or orange highlights are not permitted or any other colour that is not natural. The Sixth Form Leadership Team have the right to decide whether a highlight is natural and whether a hairstyle is smart.
Material- no denim, corduroy, leather, lycra, chinos or canvas. No trousers which in any way resemble jeans in black denim. The Sixth Form Leadership Team reserve the right to decide whether a pair of trousers look like jeans or not. No tight trousers or shirts.
Footwear- no trainers, no canvas shoes, no boots, no Doc Martin-style boots laced outside trousers, no flip flops, no van shoes, no wellington boots or sandals.
Make up/Nails - Discreet make up and nail varnish is allowed. Students are not permitted to wear heavy make up or fake nails and fake eyelashes. Make up wipes will be provided if make up is deemed too much. The Sixth Form Leadership Team reserve the right to decide whether make up is too much.
Students who turn up to school inappropriately dressed will have items confiscated or may be asked to go home and change. Students should accept that if they choose to dress inappropriately they are risking being sent home, with a consequent loss of learning time.