Centre Stage
CentreStage School of Speech and Drama has been teaching at Bishop Walsh for 4 years and the partnership has been a great success. Our aim is to help pupils to find their voice and to build their confidence in speaking up in all situations, from interviews to group discussions and presenting to an audience. We teach pupils with a wide variety of abilities, from those who love performing and wish to develop their skills in this area, to pupils who lack confidence in speaking, or who lack clarity or expression in their speech. We have guided many pupils through LAMDA examinations, which involve reciting a poem and an extract from a book, followed by a conversation with the examiner about the content and technique in the pieces. We have found that the students respond very well to these lessons, increasing their confidence in their ability to perform to an audience, to read in public, and to develop their creative ideas. The lessons also support pupils' understanding and appreciation of English Literature. Every year we hold a recital for parents, for which the students work together to create a visually interesting as well as a vocally engaging performance, and this is one of the high points of the year. Another high point is exam day. This takes place in July, and pupils usually really enjoy it, as they get to perform the pieces that they have prepared so carefully for a London examiner. We are very proud of our exam results which have been outstanding. Across 4 years, we have maintained an 100% pass rate, and over 50% of pupils have received the highest grade band - Distinction.
Our 30-minute lessons run during the school day, in much the same way as instrumental lessons. We run a rotating timetable, including lunchtime lessons, so that classes fall at a different time each week. Fees are payable termly in advance. The current price for a term of 10 lessons is £88.00.
If you are interested in your child taking lessons with us, please email us at admin@centrestageschool.org.uk with your child's name and year at school. We would be delighted to have the opportunity to teach them.
CentreStage also runs classes in Speech, Drama and Acting on Saturdays and Thursday evenings for those who would like to develop their skills further. Please contact us at admin@centrestageschool.org.uk if you are interested in these classes.