SAINT - Pastoral Time 2021/22
The SAINT Programme is designed to help students with their academic studies as well as introduce meaningful topics and discussions.
The SAINT Programme at Bishop Walsh Catholic School:
During or dedicated form time, pupils at Bishop Walsh will experience the following.
All parts of the SAINT programme are rooted in gospel values and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
What this means: SMSVC is an abbreviation for Spiritual, Moral, Social, Vocational and Cultural Development.
SMSVC days will involve presenting and discussing age appropriate topics such as:
PSHE- topical areas for discussion – resources prepared by HOY
Citizenship with reference to the key values of Democracy,
the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
School Chaplaincy – the chaplaincy team and Father Allen will send out reflections to be used in form time.
Exam skills and building resilience for stressful times – it may be that on an ad hoc basis the tutor decides this SMSVC time needs to be assigned to exam skills
Financial Awareness
Careers education - There will be opportunities to explore employment skills and for pupils to investigate future careers pathways
Assembly (A)
What this means: On a designated day each week, the tutor group will attend an assembly in the Main Hall or another venue. The assemblies have a theme and will be taken by a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or Head of Year (HOY). Guest Speakers may be asked to deliver some assemblies. Form tutors will accompany and sit or stand with their tutor group.
Pupils should line up on the playground facing the Main Hall steps for assembly in the Hall.
They must be in register order and have correct uniform. Years 7 – 11 must enter in silence. They will be directed to the appropriate part of the tiered seating in the Main Hall. Other venues may require them to sit on the floor. Notices will be given out at the end of assembly and reward and recognition shared with the pupils.
The 'I' programme (I)
At Bishop Walsh Catholic School:
The curriculum at Bishop Walsh Catholic is broad and balanced
with a focus on accademic rigour and knowledge. Successful learners
need the tools and skills to be able to process, undrestand and
retrive information successfully. We know that committing information
to long tem memory is the root to suceess. The 'I' programme teaches
our pupils the best ways to do this. Skills learnt here will be invaluable
to all other subjects in our school.
News (N)
What this means: NEWS day is a way of developing the pupils’ cultural capital by exploring the news at home and abroad. It will be organised through the Chaplain Lead and consist of keeping up with current affairs, world news and litugical news.
Our whole school reading programme is enhanced in this NEWS day by the form reading articles from 'The Day' and focussing on vocabularly, key words and discussion.
Ten Ten (T) - Relationships and Sex Education
Ten Ten’s programme, Life to the Full, teaches Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church.
Given that RSHE is a statutory subject for all schools, we are embracing “the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life” by giving pupils knowledge “that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships” (DFE Statutory Guidance).
We will deliver this teaching through the prism of Catholic RSHE. The framework of our programme is taken from the Model Catholic RSE Programme by the Catholic Education Service, which has been highlighted by the Department of Education as a work of good practice.